//echo "fred";
| H T M L - C A L E N D A R (v2.11) |
| |
| Copyright Gerd Tentler www.gerd-tentler.de/tools |
| Created: May 27, 2003 Last modified: Nov. 29, 2009 |
| This program may be used and hosted free of charge by anyone for |
| personal purpose as long as this copyright notice remains intact. |
| |
| Obtain permission before selling the code for this program or |
| hosting this software on a commercial website or redistributing |
| this software over the Internet or in any other medium. In all |
| cases copyright must remain intact. |
EXAMPLE #1: $myCal = new CALENDAR();
echo $myCal->create();
EXAMPLE #2: $myCal = new CALENDAR(2004, 12);
echo $myCal->create();
EXAMPLE #3: $myCal = new CALENDAR();
$myCal->year = 2004;
$myCal->month = 12;
echo $myCal->create();
Returns HTML code
$cal_ID = 0;
class CALENDAR {
// Configuration
var $tFontFace = 'Arial, Helvetica'; // title: font family (CSS-spec, e.g. "Arial, Helvetica")
var $tFontSize = 12; // title: font size (pixels)
var $tFontColor = '#FFFFFF'; // title: font color
var $tBGColor = '#304B90'; // title: background color
var $hFontFace = 'Arial, Helvetica'; // heading: font family (CSS-spec, e.g. "Arial, Helvetica")
var $hFontSize = 10; // heading: font size (pixels)
var $hFontColor = '#FFFFFF'; // heading: font color
var $hBGColor = '#304B90'; // heading: background color
var $dFontFace = 'Arial, Helvetica'; // days: font family (CSS-spec, e.g. "Arial, Helvetica")
var $dFontSize = 10; // days: font size (pixels)
var $dFontColor = '#000000'; // days: font color
var $dBGColor = '#FFFFFF'; // days: background color
var $wFontFace = 'Arial, Helvetica'; // weeks: font family (CSS-spec, e.g. "Arial, Helvetica")
var $wFontSize = 10; // weeks: font size (pixels)
var $wFontColor = '#FFFFFF'; // weeks: font color
var $wBGColor = '#304B90'; // weeks: background color
var $saFontColor = '#0000D0'; // Saturdays: font color
var $saBGColor = '#F6F6FF'; // Saturdays: background color
var $suFontColor = '#D00000'; // Sundays: font color
var $suBGColor = '#FFF0F0'; // Sundays: background color
var $tdBorderColor = '#FF0000'; // today: border color
var $borderColor = '#304B90'; // border color
var $hilightColor = '#FFFF00'; // hilight color (works only in combination with link)
var $link = ''; // page to link to when day is clicked
var $offset = 1; // week start: 0 - 6 (0 = Saturday, 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday ...)
var $weekNumbers = true; // view week numbers: true = yes, false = no
// You should change these variables only if you want to translate them into your language:
// weekdays: must start with Saturday because January 1st of year 1 was a Saturday
var $weekdays = array('Sa', 'Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr');
// months: must start with January
var $months = array('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');
// error messages
var $error = array('Year must be 1 - 3999!', 'Month must be 1 - 12!');
// Don't change from here:
var $year, $month, $size;
var $mDays = array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
var $specDays = array();
// Functions
function CALENDAR($year = '', $month = '', $week = '') {
if($year == '' && $month == '') {
$year = date('Y');
$month = date('n');
else if($year != '' && $month == '') $month = 1;
$this->year = (int) $year;
$this->month = (int) $month;
$this->week = (int) $week;
function set_styles() {
global $cal_ID;
$html = '';
return $html;
function leap_year($year) {
return (!($year % 4) && ($year < 1582 || $year % 100 || !($year % 400))) ? true : false;
function get_weekday($year, $days) {
$a = $days;
if($year) $a += ($year - 1) * 365;
for($i = 1; $i < $year; $i++) if($this->leap_year($i)) $a++;
if($year > 1582 || ($year == 1582 && $days >= 277)) $a -= 10;
if($a) $a = ($a - $this->offset) % 7;
else if($this->offset) $a += 7 - $this->offset;
return $a;
function get_week($year, $days) {
$firstWDay = $this->get_weekday($year, 0);
return floor(($days + $firstWDay) / 7) + ($firstWDay <= 3);
function table_cell($content, $class, $date = '', $style = '') {
global $cal_ID;
$size = round($this->size * 1.5);
$html = '
if($this->specDays[$content]) {
if($this->specDays[$content][0]) {
$style .= 'background-color:' . $this->specDays[$content][0] . ';';
if($this->specDays[$content][1]) {
$html .= ' title="' . $this->specDays[$content][1] . '"';
if($this->specDays[$content][2]) $link = $this->specDays[$content][2];
if($link) {
$link .= strstr($link, '?') ? "&date=$date" : "?date=$date";
$html .= ' onMouseOver="this.className=\'cssHilight' . $cal_ID . '\'"';
$html .= ' onMouseOut="this.className=\'' . $class . '\'"';
$html .= ' onClick="document.location.href=\'' . $link . '\'"';
if($style) $html .= ' style="' . $style . '"';
$html .= '>' . $content . ' | ';
return $html;
function table_head($content) {
global $cal_ID;
$cols = $this->weekNumbers ? 8 : 7;
$html = '
' .
$content . ' |
for($i = 0; $i < count($this->weekdays); $i++) {
$ind = ($i + $this->offset) % 7;
$wDay = $this->weekdays[$ind];
$html .= $this->table_cell($wDay, 'cssHeading' . $cal_ID);
if($this->weekNumbers) $html .= $this->table_cell(' ', 'cssHeading' . $cal_ID);
$html .= '
return $html;
function viewEvent($from, $to, $color, $title, $link = '') {
if($from > $to) return;
if($from < 1 || $from > 31) return;
if($to < 1 || $to > 31) return;
while($from <= $to) {
$this->specDays[$from] = array($color, $title, $link);
function create() {
global $cal_ID;
$this->size = ($this->hFontSize > $this->dFontSize) ? $this->hFontSize : $this->dFontSize;
if($this->wFontSize > $this->size) $this->size = $this->wFontSize;
list($curYear, $curMonth, $curDay) = explode('-', date('Y-m-d'));
if($this->year < 1 || $this->year > 3999) $html = '
' . $this->error[0] . '';
else if($this->month < 1 || $this->month > 12) $html = '
' . $this->error[1] . '';
else {
$this->mDays[1] = $this->leap_year($this->year) ? 29 : 28;
for($i = $days = 0; $i < $this->month - 1; $i++) $days += $this->mDays[$i];
$start = $this->get_weekday($this->year, $days);
$stop = $this->mDays[$this->month-1];
$html = $this->set_styles();
$html .= '
$html .= 'borderColor ? ' bgcolor=' . $this->borderColor : '') . '>';
$html .= '';
$title = htmlentities($this->months[$this->month-1]) . ' ' . $this->year;
$html .= $this->table_head($title);
$daycount = 1;
if(($this->year == $curYear) && ($this->month == $curMonth)) $inThisMonth = true;
else $inThisMonth = false;
if($this->weekNumbers || $this->week) $weekNr = $this->get_week($this->year, $days);
while($daycount <= $stop) {
if($this->week && $this->week != $weekNr) {
$daycount += 7;
$html .= '';
for($i = $wdays = 0; $i <= 6; $i++) {
$ind = ($i + $this->offset) % 7;
if($ind == 0) $class = 'cssSaturdays';
else if($ind == 1) $class = 'cssSundays';
else $class = 'cssDays';
$style = '';
$date = $this->year . '-' . $this->month . '-' . $daycount;
if(($daycount == 1 && $i < $start) || $daycount > $stop) $content = ' ';
else {
$content = $daycount;
if($inThisMonth && $daycount == $curDay) {
$style = 'padding:0px;border:3px solid ' . $this->tdBorderColor . ';';
else if($this->year == 1582 && $this->month == 10 && $daycount == 4) $daycount = 14;
$html .= $this->table_cell($content, $class . $cal_ID, $date, $style);
if($this->weekNumbers) {
if(!$weekNr) {
if($this->year == 1) $content = ' ';
else if($this->year == 1583) $content = 52;
else $content = $this->get_week($this->year - 1, 365);
else if($this->month == 12 && $weekNr >= 52 && $wdays < 4) $content = 1;
else $content = $weekNr;
$html .= $this->table_cell($content, 'cssWeeks' . $cal_ID);
$html .= ' ';
$html .= ' |
return $html;